A remote workplace with desk and computer, and a hybrid workplace with conference table and screen.

Building a Hybrid Work Schedule? [What Companies Need to Know]

Right now, a growing number of companies are choosing to build return-to-work plans around a hybrid work schedule. According to a recent Deloitte report, 77% of leaders surveyed say they plan to reimagine a traditional in-office workday structure into a mixture of in-office and remote work that enables greater employee flexibility and prioritizes creativity, collaboration, and well-being.

What does a hybrid work schedule look like?

It’s a trending question at organizations throughout the country. Even though the pandemic accelerated the growth of remote work, leaders are realizing they need a way to embrace the benefits of a remote, Work from Anywhere model while also nurturing mission-critical operations that thrive through in-person collaboration.

Nine out of 10 leaders say they prefer a hybrid work schedule moving forward. Why?

  1. People who Work from Anywhere enjoy more flexibility and autonomy.
  2. Remote work enables deep work with fewer interruptions and better outcomes.
  3. Work from Anywhere can create value for their companies.


Anatomy of a Hybrid Work Schedule [3 Models, 3 Different Options]

If you’re envisioning a new organizational model for how work gets done in your organization, these elements will influence your decision.

Three different workflows:

  1. In-person - traditional teams who work in an office.
  2. Remote - teams made up of people working from different locations.
  3. Hybrid -  a combination of in-person and remote teams.

Within the hybrid work schedule are at least three different types of work combinations, including:

  1. Split-team – teams made up of full-time remote workers and full-time in-office workers.
  2. Shifts – all team members work in-office a few days a week and remotely a few days a week.
  3. Flexible - team members choose between working from anywhere or from the office.

Ninety can help your company work smarter, so everyone can get organized, stay connected, and adapt better to a hybrid work schedule. Start a free 30-day trial now.


Envisioning a Great Hybrid Work Schedule [4 Considerations]

Companies that are considering a hybrid work schedule are approaching this shift with these four factors in mind.

1. How to Establish a Structure That Enables Better Flexibility 

The mix of remote and in-office days for your teams has to be flexible enough for people to enjoy the benefits of autonomous work and structured enough to enable better productivity with in-person collaboration. In addition, leaders are addressing concerns over get-to-the-office commute issues by staggering start times for teams to avoid rush hour on crowded public transport.

2. Keeping In-Office Work Environments Safe

It’s still important for companies to reopen offices safely with pandemic protocols such as temperature checks, mask-wearing, social distancing, one-way walking systems, capping headcount on in-office days, and others.

3. How to Support Inclusivity 

Leaders are aware that remote workers may feel disconnected or left out when it comes to hybrid work schedules. Many are instituting technology that enables video options in every meeting so that all team members can be physically involved in a collaborative space and be heard.

4. Attracting the Right People for the Right Seats

Hybrid work environments enable the decentralization of the talent pool and allow more people to consider your company who wouldn’t previously because of location. When it comes to attracting and retaining the right people for the right seats in your organization, hybrid work schedules will be a key benefit. 

Ninety makes it easy to better connect with others, establish clear accountability, and use efficient ways for measuring performance regardless of location. Start a free 30-day trial now.


Action Steps [Building A Better Hybrid Work Schedule]

When you’re leading teams, focus on the two components of running a more efficient hybrid work schedule: 1) how you’ll keep your own work schedule and 2) how you’ll help your teams with their schedules. With both components, it’s important to use the right technology that can help everyone work smarter, get organized, stay connected, and better able to adapt to hybrid work, like Ninety.

Tips For Running Your Own Hybrid Work Schedule

  1. Learn new ways to stay accountable. Ninety’s Responsibilities Chart will help you understand your roles and responsibilities and how your performance is measured, so you can take control of your hybrid schedule with ease.
  2. Think creatively about your time. Segment your tasks into separate categories and create time blocks for different types of work to determine what you’ll work on at the office and what you’ll work on when you’re working from anywhere.
  3. Step up your communication with leaders. If you want to avoid confusion, project delays, and wasted time in your organization, good communication is the way. Scheduling meetings in Ninety with your leaders will enable you to focus on priorities that require further discussion, like setting expectations and organizing and rocking your hybrid work schedule.

Tips For Helping Teams Run Their Hybrid Work Schedules

  1. Set clear expectations for the team. Transitioning to a hybrid schedule is likely a new experience for many of your team members. Smooth out the process by getting clear about your goals. Schedule meetings where you can explain why the organization is moving to a hybrid schedule, how the transition will work, and what you want to achieve in the end.
  2. Help teams carry out work better. With Scorecards, 90-Day Goals, To-Dos, and Issues, you can efficiently organize and track projects, evaluate roadblocks much faster, and visualize improvements. As a leader, you’ll be better equipped to coach for team efficiency by setting the example, creating goals, clarifying expectations, and giving people room to grow.
  3. Keep track of workload. Use Ninety's Process tool to automate office processes so teams spend less time on repetitive tasks and more time on processes that create value. Streamlining processes also means integrating the company vision into roles, metrics, and goals so teams can rock their hybrid work schedules faster.
  4. Make sure remote workers get access to the same information as in-office workers. Ninety's cloud-based technology builds a single source of information for everyone in your organization.

Every Ninety tool is intuitive, making it easy to streamline processes, integrate company vision into team goals, roles, and metrics, organize to-do lists to see what is on the horizon or past due, solve issues faster, and create opportunities. You and your teams will enjoy greater efficiency, productivity, and accountability in Ninety's platform.


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When companies aren't sure how to improve collaboration, communicate effectively, and build trust, Ninety can help.

Ninety.io helps teams build great companies. Our company operating software makes it super clear who is responsible for what, what’s working, what’s not, and where to focus.

Thousands of companies trust Ninety’s simple, powerful, and helpful tools to work smarter in a hybrid work environment. Sign up for a free trial with access to all Ninety functions, features, and support. We guarantee that you’ll love it.

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