Main Navigation Improvements

The Ninety app now has a fresh new look and feel to it, enabling a better, more intuitive user experience. All of the original elements remain, but now those critical resources you need to manage your business operating system are grouped together logically so it is easy to navigate.

Reasons why you will love this feature:

An intuitive navigation is critical for a smooth, user-friendly experience and will greatly improve day-to-day use of the app. You’ll enjoy improved access to educational resources and a dedicated section for Headlines and Cascading Messages, making it easy to learn and share info alike in Ninety.

Key features:

  • Better groupings for the original navigation elements and additional menu items like “Learning & Support” and “Invite Teammates.”
  • A dedicated section for Headlines and Cascading Messages offers an easy way to share or edit existing headlines and review archived messages.
  • Improved Access to Educational Resources to make learning and growing in Ninety easy for you and your team.
  • Owners, administrators, and managers have the ability to add teammates from anywhere in the app.
  • Via User Settings, you have the option to adjust your navigation from a light color palette or a dual-mode color palette.

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