How Ninety Became the Center of the Universe for Authentic Brand

“I'm just really grateful for Ninety. It keeps our world organized. It holds us all together and it literally keeps us all on the same digital page.”
– Jennifer Zick, Founder & CEO
“If you took away my Ninety login today, I would feel like I was running blind.”
After spending the first three years running her professional services company on documents and spreadsheets, Jennifer Zick, Founder and CEO of Authentic Brand, stopped the manual management madness and made the pivot to Ninety. “I hired a professional coach who advised us to adopt Ninety,” she says. “The change helped us bring all of our operating structure into one unified system that our team could see and use and collaborate with.”
Two years later, Jennifer’s team of Fractional CMOs use Ninety as their “center of truth” as it relates to the growth goals for the company. They can easily track leading indicators around Authentic Brand’s health in terms of revenue, profitability, sales targets, the scope of work, team performance, utilization goals, client retention, and more. “Ninety not only shows us where we’re on track but shows us really quickly if we’re off track.”
Knocking Out-Of-Control Issues Off the List
Before Ninety, Jennifer and her team used a rolling Issues list that they would copy and add to every week. “That document just scrolled on and on,” Jennifer says. “It was really easy for us to ignore all those Issues that just went unresolved.”
All that’s changed after taming their out-of-control issues list with Ninety Meetings. “We can no longer ignore that long-running Issues list. We stay accountable and commit to Issue solving, so it doesn't become this burdensome backlog.”
During weekly meetings powered by Ninety, dealing with Issues is the group’s primary objective. Jennifer says, “We were finally able to see clearly how out of control our Issues list was. Now we're knocking them all off the list. We’re getting more committed to maintaining list cleanliness and solving them once and for all.”
Huge Value For the Way They Work
Having everything centralized in one place enables Authentic Brand to work together as a team that's distributed across the United States. “Ninety is a truly affordable solution for a small business. It has given us back a lot of value in the way that we work.”
Jennifer implemented Ninety at the leadership level first. The entire team is connected with the all-in-one environment where they can keep the company’s Scorecards, quarterly priorities, To-Dos, responsibilities, and even their Vision visible and up to date. “In person, it keeps us all aligned and gives us back so much time. We don't have to chase down documents and versions. It's wonderful.”
How would Jennifer feel if she could no longer use Ninety?
Jennifer’s plan for Authentic Brand lives and breathes in Ninety. “I point our entire national community of employees to Ninety and say, this is what the vision is. This is where we're going. This is what we've committed to this year. This is where we are this quarter. This is how we're growing. And this is where we’ll be in the next three to 10 years. So if you took that away from me now, I would be flying blind.”

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