ConnectStrat Strategic Coaching & Ninety – A Winning Match

"For business owners and entrepreneurs, everything in their lives gets a little easier when they start using our teachings together with Ninety. The powerful combination enables them to achieve work/life balance more quickly and consistently, which is absolutely what we're looking for."
– Jamison West, Strategic Coach
ConnectStrat is a remote team of strategic coaches, leaders, facilitators, and consultants who work exclusively with MSPs, ITSPs, CSPs, and others in the technology field. Each ConnectStrat team member offers a wealth of leadership, expertise, and industry experience to help people run their companies with less stress, more control, greater value, and purposeful impact.
ConnectStrat strategic coach Jamison West says their unique, four-pillar approach involves meeting facilitation, consulting, and one-on-one coaching powered by Ninety, which is the key to driving outstanding results. He strongly recommends that his clients use Ninety day to day.
"As a platform," he says, "Ninety is the best tool we've found that truly helps clients focus on the most important things in their business."
"From a coaching standpoint, we're able to translate what we teach into a platform that brings it all to life for our clients, and we can do that consistently. That's just super important to us."
ConnectStrat clients learn how to use Ninety tools to run their weekly Meetings and keep track of Rocks, Issues, To-Dos, and more all on one platform. When it's time for quarterly coaching sessions, everyone has all the data at their fingertips. Both coaches and clients can refer to it and use it to inform consistent results for the next quarter and beyond.

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