Meet the Author:
Kris Snyder - Professional EOS Implementer®

Kris is a Professional EOS Implementer® who has worked with 50+ clients and hosted more than 300 session days, all Powered by Ninety. He loves adventure, which probably explains why he's spent the last 22+ years building entrepreneurial tech-based companies. In addition to his role at Ninety, Kris continues to coach several days a week, which adds constant perspective to how clients use and appreciate running EOS® Powered by Ninety.

Articles by Kris Snyder - Professional EOS Implementer®

  • Visionary meeting with Integrator and other senior leaders

    What Is a Business Visionary? Decoded: Roles, Responsibilities, and Insights

    Why do people choose to become entrepreneurs? For some, it’s a passion for a problem they believe must be solved, while for others, it’s the pull toward an industry gap that should be solved since those particular entrepreneurs envision a different ...

  • Annual Planning with EOS®: How to Align Your Team for Success

    I just completed my fourth annual session with a client running on EOS® Powered by Ninety. Their profit this past year was the highest in their 12 years of business, and they credit EOS for their success.

  • The EOS® Quarterly Meeting: How to Operate in a 90-Day World®

    Last week, I facilitated a quarterly with one of my favorite clients. I know — we’re not supposed to have favorites, but… This company is crushing its sales and operating goals: 30%+ year-over-year growth and increasing its enterprise value every ...