Framework Articles

What Is SWOT Analysis: A Guide for Strategic Planning

Written by Cole Abbott | Sep 14, 2024 9:08:43 PM

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This article provides a detailed overview and expert insights on the SWOT Analysis model to help leaders select the appropriate framework to support business growth and sustainability.

What Is the SWOT Analysis Framework? 

SWOT analysis is a structured strategic planning method that systematically evaluates an organization’s internal and external environments. It provides the framework for identifying and analyzing the factors influencing an organization’s success or failure.

Who Created SWOT Analysis? 

The SWOT analysis framework was developed in the 1960s by Albert Humphrey, a business and management consultant at the Stanford Research Institute, now known as SRI International. Humphrey’s research — funded by Fortune 500 companies — aimed to understand the reasons behind corporate planning failures and create a new system to manage change.

Humphrey, along with Robert Stewart, Marion Dosher, Dr. Otis Benepe, and Birger Lie, interviewed 1,100 organizations via a 250-item questionnaire. This research identified a critical gap between internal organizational activities and external market conditions, which led to the development of the SWOT framework.

Key Elements of a SWOT Analysis 

SWOT is an acronym that stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Each element serves a specific purpose, as outlined below.

  1. Strengths. Strengths are the internal attributes and resources that give an organization a competitive advantage. These are the areas where a business excels and differentiates itself from competitors. Identifying strengths is crucial because they form the foundation of strategic planning. It also allows companies to focus their strategies on areas where they have an advantage, helping them maintain or improve their market position. Examples of strengths can include:

    • Strong brand reputation
    • Unique skills or expertise
    • Loyal customer base
    • Efficient processes
    • Robust financial position

  2. Weaknesses. Weaknesses are internal limitations that may hinder a company’s ability to achieve its goals and objectives. These are the areas where the organization needs improvement or lacks resources compared to competitors. Identifying weaknesses is imperative for risk management and strategic planning, as potential issues can be addressed before they impact performance. Examples of weaknesses may include:

    • Outdated technology
    • High employee turnover
    • Poor brand reputation
    • Limited financial resources
    • Inefficient supply chain

  3. Opportunities. Opportunities are the external factors or trends that an organization can exploit to its advantage. These are the elements that provide the potential for growth, improvement, or expansion. Identifying opportunities helps organizations position themselves proactively to take advantage of favorable market conditions. Examples of opportunities may include:

    • Strategic partnerships
    • Technological advancements
    • Shifts in consumer behavior
    • Emerging markets
    • Regulatory changes

  4. Threats. Threats are external factors that have the potential to harm an organization or its performance. These elements are outside a business’s control and pose risks to achieving goals and objectives. Identifying threats is crucial for strategic planning and risk management because it helps organizations prepare for and mitigate potential adverse impacts. Examples of threats could include:

    • Supply chain disruptions
    • Economic downturns
    • Regulatory challenges
    • Intensified competition

Also known as: 

  • SWOT Matrix
  • TOWS Analysis
  • Internal-External (IE) Matrix


Key Pain Points Addressed

SWOT analysis was developed to address common Stage-1 organizational challenges, including:

Addressing the above challenges through a structured SWOT analysis can help organizations gain a clearer understanding of their strategic position. This framework helps them identify and leverage strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and mitigate threats, enhancing strategic planning and decision-making processes.

When You Should Apply SWOT Analysis

SWOT can be applied in organizations starting at Stage 1 (Survive) of Ninety’s Stages of Development. A Stage 1 organization:

PROs and CONs of SWOT Analysis

As you evaluate this framework, consider the top pros and cons:



TLDR: SWOT Analysis in Summary

Guided Approach to a SWOT Analysis 

If you think a SWOT analysis is a good fit for your organization, the following offers a guided approach to support your efforts:

Assemble a cross-functional team.

Gather a diverse group of Ideal Stakeholders from various departments, such as finance, operations, marketing, and human resources. Doing this ensures multiple perspectives are considered, which will lead to a more holistic and balanced analysis.

Define clear objectives. 

Clearly outline the purpose of the SWOT analysis and what the organization aims to achieve. This will help focus the analysis on relevant areas and ensure that the findings are aligned with strategic goals.

Conduct a thorough internal and external assessment.

Identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) and opportunities and threats (external factors) by collecting data and insights. Performing a comprehensive assessment ensures that all critical elements that affect the organization’s strategic position are captured.

Organize findings into a SWOT matrix.

Create a 2x2 grid matrix that visually categorizes the identified factors into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This ensures information is organized in a structured format that is easy to analyze and interpret.

Analyze and prioritize key factors.

Evaluate the significance of each factor and prioritize them based on how they can potentially impact the organization’s objectives. This helps focus strategic efforts on the most critical areas that can influence success.

Develop strategic action plans.

Formulate specific strategies and action plans that use strengths, address weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate threats. This ensures that the analysis contributes to the organization’s strategic planning efforts.

Review and monitor progress regularly.

Set up a regular review process to monitor the implementation of strategic actions and update the SWOT analysis as needed. Continuous monitoring helps you track progress, assess the effectiveness of strategies, and adapt to any internal and external changes.

Communicate findings and actions.

Share the results of the SWOT analysis and the resulting strategic actions with all relevant stakeholders to ensure everyone in the organization is aligned and understands their role in executing the plan.

Implementing any new business framework is a significant organizational change that requires leadership commitment and a significant time investment for you to fully realize its value. Approach implementation systematically with a concrete plan in place. Also be prepared to make adjustments along the way to ensure long-term success.

Next Steps

For those ready to take action, consider these actionable steps: