90u Library
Brief, Meetings
Weekly Team Meetings
Purposeful Weekly Team Meetings are so important to how we operate — this brief describes the seven sections of our default weekly meetings and offers insights into how to make yours thrive.
Brief, Meetings
Quarterly Discussions
Learn how regular and purposeful Quarterly Discussions are essential to the growth and development ...
Data, Brief
Ninety’s Data tool allows every team to create a personalized Scorecard showing them the data they ...
Brief, Core Resource
9 Core Competencies
Discover the nine essential skills and disciplines organizations need to master to become great ...
Guides explore an essential tool, concept, or discipline in granular detail, offering the reader deep insights and valuable context.
Guide, Meetings
On Weekly Team Meetings
Every team should have a dedicated structure to their weekly meeting — this guide shows you how.
Guide, Core Resource
On Ninety
Discover who we are, what we believe, and why we’re so passionate about helping our customers.
Guide, Tool, Core Resource
Getting Up and Running on Ninety
This guide helps you assess whether or not Ninety is right for your organization and provides four paths to get up and running on our ...
Guide, Structure
On Organizational Structure
Uncover research-based methods for dramatically improving your organization through a competencies-based approach to structure.
Guide, Tool, Core Resource
On Rolling Out Ninety Guide
Discover how we've simplified rolling out Ninety to additional teams in your organization.
Guide, Core Resource
On 9 Core Competencies
The 9 Core Competencies are our time-tested lens for assessing the strength of your company-building proficiency.
Guide, Leadership & Coaching
On Lead, Agree, Coach (LAC)
This in-depth guide teaches the Lead, Agree, Coach framework for leadership, which states that anyone who heads a team must use agreements, ...
Data, Guide
On Data
Explore how to track and analyze data with Scorecards in our Data tool.
Guide, Meetings
On Quarterly Planning Meetings
The On Quarterly Planning Meetings Guide extensively details how to run a quarterly meeting.
Guide, Core Resource
On Business Operating Systems
This guide covers the ins and outs of Business Operating Systems (BOSs), including descriptions of several popular BOSs in use today.
Guide, Meetings
On Annual Planning Meetings
Annual Planning Meetings keep us on track as we build, operate, and scale — this guide teaches you how.
Guide, Core Resource
On BOS Coaches
This guide covers who Business Operating Systems coaches are, what they do, and how they help — and offers suggestions to see if engaging ...
Guide, Core Resource
On Stages of Development
This guide introduces and thoroughly examines the five Stages of Development businesses go through on their way to becoming thriving ...
Guide, Core Resource
The New Age of Work
This guide covers many of our philosophies surrounding work — its value, future, and meaning.
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Briefs provide readers with a 30,000-foot view of an essential tool, concept, or discipline within the Ninety ecosystem.
Concepts, Tools, and Disciplines
Learn how concepts, tools, and disciplines can improve work throughout your organization to help your teams focus, align, and thrive.
Brief, Structure
Tiger Teams
Learn how a Tiger Team can help you tackle your organization’s biggest initiatives by breaking down silos and supercharging ...
Brief, Tool
Assessments Tool
Unlock your team's potential with Ninety's Assessments tool — gathering feedback, measuring growth, and identifying areas of improvement.
Brief, Meetings
Raise, Discuss, Resolve (RDR)
Learn all about raise, discuss, and resolve (RDR), our process for solving Issues during a variety of meetings.
Brief, People, Core Resource
This brief combines advice from business coaches and research into trust and work.
Brief, Core Resource
Stages of Development
This brief describes the basic concept of the Stages of Development, a meta-framework for measuring an organization’s growth.
Brief, People
Ideal Stakeholders
Just as you can pinpoint Ideal Customer personas, you can create better connections by understanding your ideal fit in other stakeholder ...
Brief, People
Competency, Commitment, and Capacity
Learn how to determine fitness for a Seat by analyzing the competency, commitment, and capacity (CCC) the Seat demands.
Brief, People, Leadership & Coaching
Hard Conversations
Learn how approaching hard conversations in a truthful, specific, and positive manner helps foster a high-trust environment.
Brief, People, Structure
Right Person, Right Seat
The concept of Right Person, Right Seat emphasizes the importance of placing individuals in roles that align with their values, skills, and ...
Brief, Tool, Structure
Org Chart
Learn more about how Ninety's Org Chart tool helps you establish clear roles, accountabilities, and responsibilities.
Brief, Vision
Focus Filters
This brief will provide you with the framework needed to identify your unique Focus Filters and apply them in all aspects of your ...
Brief, People, Leadership & Coaching
Agreements, Expectations, and Commitments
This brief outlines the major differences between agreements and expectations. We hope to show you that expectations don’t belong in great ...
Brief, Tool, Vision
Learn how our Vision tool enables you to document your Core Values, Compelling Why, Ideal Customer, Compelling Value Proposition, goals, ...
Brief, Customer
Customer Journey
This brief defines the basic terms of modern customer journey maps to help you turn clients into loyal fans of your brand.
Brief, Core Resource
9 Core Competencies
Discover the nine essential skills and disciplines organizations need to master to become great companies.
Data, Brief
Ninety’s Data tool allows every team to create a personalized Scorecard showing them the data they need to evaluate progress and find areas ...
Brief, Meetings
Vision and Goals Setting Meetings
The Vision and Goal Setting Meetings help companies plan their vision and set goals to turn that into reality.
Brief, Vision, Customer
Compelling Value Proposition
We’ve identified four Compelling Value Propositions that great companies use to serve their Ideal Customers and separate themselves from ...
Brief, Enterprise Value
Enterprise Value
Learn the key drivers of enterprise value and how to leverage them for sustainable growth so your team can align around a shared vision for ...
Brief, People, Leadership & Coaching
This brief provides a proposition for all SLTs to create a list of essential agreements that each member can commit to.
Brief, Meetings
State of the Company Meetings
Learn how holding transparent, informational State of the Company Meetings once a quarter builds up trust throughout your organization.
Data, Brief
This brief introduces Data as one of the 9 Core Competencies of running a great company.
Brief, Tool, Vision
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT)
Learn how a yearly SWOT analysis allows you to perform a self-evaluation of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of your ...
Brief, Meetings
Annual Planning Meetings
This brief provides a concise overview of how to run impactful Annual Planning Meetings (APMs).
Brief, Meetings
Quarterly Planning Meetings
Learn the importance of reviewing the previous 90 days to assess progress on goals, celebrate achievements, and discuss long-term Issues.
Brief, Leadership & Coaching
Lead, Agree, Coach
The Lead, Agree, Coach framework highlights the importance of developing high-trust relationships and focusing on leading and coaching team ...
Brief, Meetings
Quarterly Discussions
Learn how regular and purposeful Quarterly Discussions are essential to the growth and development of relationships between leaders and ...
Brief, People
Dive into our findings that show how a strong organizational culture is essential for success.
Brief, Goals
Compelling and Audacious Goals
Compelling and Audacious Goals (CAGs) are bold, ambitious objectives that unite and inspire organizations to achieve greatness.
Brief, Goals
Discover how having your team members own Rocks that are aligned with your long-term goals keeps the entire organization working toward ...
Brief, Goals
Making Rocks SMART
Discover how using the SMART framework keeps Rocks aligned with the long-term goals of the organization and streamlines progress monitoring.
Brief, Customer
Ideal Customers
Learn to cultivate three characteristics of Ideal Customers: where they are (geographic), who they are (demographic), and what they want ...
Brief, Tool
Discover how we use assessments to understand ourselves, our teams, and our organization better.
Brief, Meetings
Weekly Team Meetings
Purposeful Weekly Team Meetings are so important to how we operate — this brief describes the seven sections of our default weekly meetings ...
Brief, Meetings
Foundation Setting Meeting
Learn how we use the Foundation Setting Meeting as a step to dramatically improve an organization’s performance.
Brief, Meetings, Tool
This brief provides an overview of our Issues tool, including tips for identifying and resolving key Issues — ideas, opportunities, or ...
Brief, Tool
The To-Dos tool captures tasks from your meetings, Rocks, Issues, and Scorecard. This brief provides a basic overview of the tool.
Brief, Core Resource
Business Operating System (BOS)
This brief provides an overview of the five categories of BOSs and offers some steps to take for organizations looking to upgrade their BOS.
Brief, Process
This brief offers an introduction to Ninety’s Process tool, which allows you to document the processes that work for your organization.
Brief, People, Vision
Core Values
Core Values form one of the primary Focus Filters used to keep organizations on track to turn their Vision into reality.
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No workbooks found.
Tool, Assessment
Stages of Development Assessment
Measure your company’s stage of development with Ninety’s innovative 10-question assessment.
Tool, Assessment
Baseline Assessment
We created the Baseline Assessment to help leadership team members understand their organization's current proficiencies across the 9 Core ...
Tool, Assessment
Org Fitness Review
We recommend all teams take the Org Fitness Review every quarter or at least annually to assess their growth across the 9 Core Competencies.
No assessments found.
Work 9.0 The Evolution of Work
The first book from Ninety Founder, Mark Abbott.
Be among the first to get it.