Meet the Author:
Mike Frascolla
Mike joined Ninety’s Education team because he loved the notion of creating helpful content aimed at small and midsize business owners, especially with a few such owners in his own family. A Northeastern University graduate (MS, Journalism) and longtime marketing copywriter in the consumer electronics industry, Mike now finds joy in crafting engaging content for those entrepreneurs who dream big.
Resources by Mike Frascolla
Brief, Meetings
Raise, Discuss, Resolve (RDR)
Learn all about raise, discuss, and resolve (RDR), our process for solving Issues during a variety of meetings.
Brief, Core Resource
Stages of Development
This brief describes the basic concept of the Stages of Development, a meta-framework for measuring an organization’s growth.
Guide, Meetings
On Weekly Team Meetings
Every team should have a dedicated structure to their weekly meeting — this guide shows you how.
Brief, Tool, Structure
Org Chart
Learn more about how Ninety's Org Chart tool helps you establish clear roles, accountabilities, and responsibilities.
Brief, People, Leadership & Coaching
Agreements, Expectations, and Commitments
This brief outlines the major differences between agreements and expectations. We hope to show you that expectations don’t belong in great ...
Brief, People, Leadership & Coaching
This brief provides a proposition for all SLTs to create a list of essential agreements that each member can commit to.
Brief, Meetings
Quarterly Discussions
Learn how regular and purposeful Quarterly Discussions are essential to the growth and development of relationships between leaders and ...
Guide, Core Resource
On Ninety
Discover who we are, what we believe, and why we’re so passionate about helping our customers.
Guide, Structure
On Organizational Structure
Uncover research-based methods for dramatically improving your organization through a competencies-based approach to structure.
Brief, People
Dive into our findings that show how a strong organizational culture is essential for success.
Brief, Goals
Compelling and Audacious Goals
Compelling and Audacious Goals (CAGs) are bold, ambitious objectives that unite and inspire organizations to achieve greatness.
Guide, Meetings
On Quarterly Planning Meetings
The On Quarterly Planning Meetings Guide extensively details how to run a quarterly meeting.
Guide, Meetings
On Annual Planning Meetings
Annual Planning Meetings keep us on track as we build, operate, and scale — this guide teaches you how.
Guide, Core Resource
On Stages of Development
This guide introduces and thoroughly examines the five Stages of Development businesses go through on their way to becoming thriving ...
Brief, Meetings
Weekly Team Meetings
Discover the seven sections of our default weekly meetings and gain insights into how to make your meetings purposeful and enable people to ...
Brief, Core Resource
Business Operating System (BOS)
This brief provides an overview of the five categories of BOSs and offers some steps to take for organizations looking to upgrade their BOS.
Brief, Process
This brief offers an introduction to Ninety’s Process tool, which allows you to document the processes that work for your organization.