Meet the Author:
Team Ninety is software to help teams build great companies, powering thousands of small to mid-sized companies, and tens of thousands of their employees, with the software and tools they need to elevate productivity, humanity and resiliency -- and to help their organizations and people flourish.

Articles by Team Ninety

  • Scorecard Update: Custom Goals

    Tired of your Measurables always appearing off track because of seasonal business? Now you can install custom goals to reflect the dynamic nature of your industry. This update allows users to capture their true performance by altering a Measurable’s goal ...

  • A Ninety user customizes the meeting agenda on their laptop.

    Customizing the Meeting Agenda

    Easily run one-on-one meetings or other types of meetings with the Custom Meeting Agenda options!

  • Milestones on Rocks

    When building out your Rock details, include as many Milestones as needed to create meaningful due dates to accomplish a bigger goal.