Ninety introduces a new brand look and platform updates

Many Platform Enhancements… and a Brand Refresh

Updates: Support for multiple Business Operating Systems, new educational content

Lots to share early in the new year, and you don’t have to look far to spot one of our many updates. The Ninety brand has been refreshed with a new look and feel, and you’ll find this new aesthetic in all the places you interact with our company – the website, the app, and the social platforms where you connect with us. We hope you like it as much as we do.

The big headline, however, is our platform now supports multiple Business Operating Systems (BOSs) with an unprecedented level of customization. We now have programs in place for EOS®, Pinnacle™, Empire, and Fireproof, all of whom are now Powered by Ninety partners. That means unique experiences configured for their coaches and clients, all enabled by our cloud-based software.

We’ll continue working with industry-leading BOSs, and we also plan to roll out ease-of-use adjustments in the weeks ahead. Of course, our enhanced platform is also designed to support entrepreneurs and coaches who are not affiliated with any one particular BOS. Because we believe the best BOS is the one that works best for you. That’s why Ninety offers a complete configuration of the platform. Here are just a few examples:

New Educational Content 

We have even more exciting news to share with clients and coaches alike. We’ve launched a ton of educational content that dives into the concepts, tools, and disciplines (CTDs) that are the building blocks of running a great company and using Ninety. This update includes a revamp to our Help Center and a Mastery page for 90os clients to access the educational guides and briefs and further their learning.

The launch of this educational content is a big step for us, and we’re proud to share it with you. By reading through the guides and briefs, you’ll find tools and tactics that will help in both day-to-day operations and long-term planning. And this collection of educational material will continue to grow, providing more valuable content you can apply and share.

We hope you plan to dive in and see all that’s new. And while we’ll certainly have more to share in the weeks ahead, we encourage you to reach out to us at any time to schedule a demo or chat with our team.   

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