How to Create Private Teams in Ninety [One-on-One Meetings]

Sometimes, you need to meet with a direct report one-on-one to discuss their work, an ongoing project, or something else. We'll show you how to set up a Private Team in Ninety, where you can have the privacy you need while still getting access to all the helpful tools to support the discussion and outcomes, including next steps and agreements.

We built Ninety to be team-centric, and for a good reason — we believe work is best done collaboratively. But that doesn't mean all conversations are suitable for a group setting. Sometimes, there's work that needs to be done between two individuals, and occasionally, this work is best done in private.

With those situations in mind, we created Ninety's 1-on-1 tool to allow for the privacy of information while still giving access to the full suite of Ninety's tools to facilitate and support the discussion.

For example, the head of the company and their right-hand operations person may schedule regular 1-on-1s to discuss the state of the business. They can capture plans, Issues, or ideas in Ninety, saving them for later in the Long-Term Issues List until they're fully fleshed out. It's important stuff, but it might not be ready for primetime and open access. These conversations are crucial and usually lead to future Rocks or the creation of To-Dos, but they're also best kept private until the ideas and plans are ready to be shared with others. 

Another great way to use the 1-on-1 tool is to guide feedback and review discussions between leaders and their direct reports or conversations between HR and employees. Whether the topic of the one-on-one is positive or negative, respecting the employee's privacy should be a priority. During the conversation, leaders can pull up data like Scorecard trends, To-Do completion, and Rock completion and create To-Dos to cement agreements about the necessary next steps. 


How to Set up a Private Team within Ninety 

Owners, Admins, and Managers can set up Teams in Ninety. The initial steps for creating a Private Team are the same as any other Team: 

  1. Navigate through Settings to the Teams section. 

  2. Click Create Team button to add your team members. 

  3. Check the box for "Private" so the new Team will not be visible to other users within the Ninety platform, except for Owners. (They'll be able to edit the Team, including adding users or themselves.) 

These Private Teams have all the same functionality as a regular Team – they can create Rocks, have Meetings with their private Issues, and assign To-Dos. None of these elements will be visible to other users, and other Teams can't assign items to the Private Team because it is, well, private. 

From housing top-secret special-projects teams to personal one-on-one conversations, the Private Teams feature is just another example of how to use Ninety to get Get Smart Stuff Done

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