Frameworks matter: Proven strategies for making your business unstoppable
Imagine having a trusted road map for building a thriving company, guided by the wisdom of an ambitious founder. That’s the power of Founder’s Framework.
Distilled from Mark Abbott’s four decades of experience coaching successful founders — and his own journey as the Visionary of Ninety — this platform puts proven frameworks at your fingertips. We want to help you make that all-important leap from good to great because we’ve walked that path ourselves.
No matter what Stage of Development you find yourself in, moving forward requires focus, fortitude, persistence… and a good dose of opportunity now and again. In time, Founder's Framework will evolve to provide stage-specific guidance you can use to push your company ahead. It’s important Work, and we’re excited about it. Stay tuned, there’s more to come…

You’re embarking on a hero’s journey.
Prepare to be challenged.
You’re about to start an adventurous journey, what is commonly known as a . It’s one that may test you and introduce a sprinkling of doubt along the way, but it can also lead you toward unimaginable opportunities. A truly successful journey entails pushing aside what’s comfortable and known in favor of new ideas for growing your business.

Embrace the power of 10x thinking.
Having a clear and compelling vision allows you to consider the long-term implications of your choices for your organization. Rather than spending too much time in the here and now, leaders need to look out to the horizon and think big. That’s part of the journey. For example, if you only have quarterly and yearly goals right now, imagine what things would look like if you multiplied those targets by ten. This is the primary idea around 10x thinking. Just remain true to your Core Values and Ideal Stakeholders, and you can move mountains.

Build better by
connecting concepts.
Building a great company requires adherence to
proven concepts, tools, and disciplines. Stay the path, and you’ll see how everything connects over time. Refuse the temptation of quick fixes or “shiny objects,” and don’t succumb to fear or greed. We deeply believe your Focus Filters will help guide you.

The journey never really ends…
Because you’re building a business you love, you’ll want to find ways to make that business even more attractive to your Ideal Customers and Ideal Stakeholders. This means embarking on another hero’s journey. Repeatedly. Each journey expands your thinking, strengthens your conviction, and crystallizes your purpose. After all, becoming a thriving company is a process, not a single event.