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Founder’s Framework Blog

Explore the frameworks that can position you for greater organizational success. With the right tools at your disposal and an adherence to your Vision, there’s nothing stopping you from developing high-performing teams and building a company you’ll love forever.

  • The Power of an Agreements-Based Culture

    In the realm of organizational development and leadership, the concept of an agreements-based culture represents a profound shift from traditional command-and-control models to a framework built on trust, accountability, and mutual respect. This cultural paradigm emphasizes the significance of ...

  • The 9 Ways We Seek to Matter: Insights from the Enneagram

    I deeply believe that one of the keys to being a successful leader is self and others awareness. We leverage a number of assessments, tools, and frameworks at Ninety to better understand what we believe are our innate preferences. Today, I want to go a little deeper into one of the frameworks we ...

  • Strategic Leadership: Navigate the 90/80/70/60/50% Principle for Maximum Impact

    In the dynamic landscape of organizational leadership and development, Founders/CEOs play a pivotal role in setting the vision and strategic direction for their companies. The 90/80/70/60/50 principle offers a guiding framework for how everyone from the Founder/CEO on down should strive to allocate ...