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Founder’s Framework Blog

Explore the frameworks that can position you for greater organizational success. With the right tools at your disposal and an adherence to your Vision, there’s nothing stopping you from developing high-performing teams and building a company you’ll love forever.

  • Discover Your Entrepreneurial Archetype: Explore the Big Five and Identify Yours

    Entrepreneurship encompasses a diverse range of types, motivations, and goals. Recognizing your specific entrepreneurial type can quickly enhance your potential and ensure you make the most of your journey.

  • Team Ninety member working remote in the woods or garden

    Cultivating Success: The Art and Strategy of Business Growth

    To non-gardeners, the blooming of a lush garden can feel like an act of sorcery. “How did you manage to grow all that?” they might marvel. The simple truth is that a masterful gardener knows they cannot claim the garden’s growth as their success alone. They may have ensured the right conditions and ...

  • 15 Reasons Founders/CEOs Should Build Companies They'll Love Forever

    In today's business world, where company building is a journey that is part art and part science, we can discover helpful insights from Jordan Peterson's bestselling book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. Polarizing as he may be, it’s hard to dismiss some of the parallels we found between ...