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Founder’s Framework Blog

Explore the frameworks that can position you for greater organizational success. With the right tools at your disposal and an adherence to your Vision, there’s nothing stopping you from developing high-performing teams and building a company you’ll love forever.

  • Connection-Based Trust

    It’s time to dive deep into one of the three dimensions of trust: connection-based trust. This dimension binds or repels us the most; without it, the other two forms of trust are irrelevant. If we can’t even stand connecting at the most basic level, does it really matter if the other person is ...

  • The Math of Trust

    Trust is foundational for building a company where all of your team members can focus on Work, align on what matters, and thrive. But as founders, how can we know if we’re building high-trust companies (HTCs)? I’m a huge believer that great value can be found in identifying and understanding the ...

  • The 7 Types of Human Relationships

    I’ve been working on several books, including the upcoming Work 9.0, for several years. The basic question that led me down the path to creating these books has never changed: “What does it take to live a life where we become a better, more evolved version of the best version of ourselves?” As I ...