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Founder’s Framework Blog

Explore the frameworks that can position you for greater organizational success. With the right tools at your disposal and an adherence to your Vision, there’s nothing stopping you from developing high-performing teams and building a company you’ll love forever.

  • What We Mean When We Say We’re “Doing Our Best”

    What does it mean to do our best? When we say, “I did my best,” we reveal our contextual understanding, decision-making processes, and ability to turn expectations into agreements.

  • Building Great on Purpose

    One of the things I’ve learned over decades as a company builder, investor, board member, and coach is that most organizations are built accidentally. And by that, I mean that they weren’t built purposely.

  • Two Ninety team members chat over coffee.

    Understanding People

    Since the 1980s, I have played a lot of roles, including leader, coach, investor, and board member. Over the years, I’ve become fascinated with various frameworks for understanding humans — especially the people we live and work with.