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Founder’s Framework Blog

Explore the frameworks that can position you for greater organizational success. With the right tools at your disposal and an adherence to your Vision, there’s nothing stopping you from developing high-performing teams and building a company you’ll love forever.

Tagged with Leadership (5):

  • Commit to Using Filters So You Can Focus, Align, and Thrive

    Over four decades of leading and coaching, I’ve noticed a common theme about visionaries — we have too many ideas. On the one hand, this is one of our greatest strengths. But without filters to help us make the best decisions, we can get distracted and spread our resources too thin.

  • Lighthouse by the ocean with the quote

    Face the Facts: Changing Your Mind Is Okay

    In what now feels like a lifetime ago, I worked closely with a world-class hedge fund for about 18 months. I was the CEO of what we referred to as a “debt-oriented merchant bank” startup. I loved my time there; the energy and passion exhibited by my team was both palpable and infectious as we got ...

  • team meeting on agreements and commitments

    Needs Take Shape Through Commitment and Focus

    Everyone wants to matter. Individuals do. Teams do. Departments, companies, not-for-profits… they all want to matter. To matter, we need to connect. Connection is based on matching needs, and to match needs, we must engage in open and transparent dialogue. Those discussions, in turn, will lead us ...