A Ninety user customizes the meeting agenda on their laptop.

Customizing the Meeting Agenda

Easily run one-on-one meetings or other types of meetings with the Custom Meeting Agenda options!

Add, Hide, and Edit Each Section

Instead of just changing the time frames, you have more options for customizing each section.

  • Reorganize existing sections
  • Rename existing sections
  • Hide the default sections so they don't appear on the agenda
  • Create new sections, customizing the title and content to display in the meeting.

Screenshot of Ninety's customizable meeting agenda in the platform

Running a Custom One-on-One Meeting

With the ability to customize the Meeting agenda, team members can now easily create custom one-on-one meetings.

  • First, go to Settings and create a Private Team. Add the two team members involved in the one-on-one meeting.
  • Then, go to the Meetings tool, select the newly created Private Team, and edit the Meeting Agenda to fit what you'd like to cover in your one-on-one meeting.

Need more help? Learn more about creating teams and inviting users.








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