Ninety's busy 2023 represented by a rocket ship surrounded by computers and text bubbles with our new features.

The Ninety Platform: Always Improving

One of the core values here at Ninety is Get Smart Stuff Done. And in 2023, we did just that by rigorously testing and implementing a ton of new features and upgrades to the Ninety platform to help you and your teams work smarter and more collaboratively together.
Key navigation updates, the introduction of Ninety Mastery, enhanced levels of customization, an upgraded My 90 workspace… It all adds up to an ever-improving user experience that brings teams together so they can Get Smart Stuff Done, too.

Have a look!

Ninety Infographic [2023_Review]


Configurable Language

Language matters to us at Ninety. Whether it's how you talk about your data or how you describe your Vision, we think your terms in Ninety should reflect how your team speaks. We added customizable language so you can call tools and other platform elements whatever you’d like.

Learn more about configurable language.

Custom Vision

Every company is unique, and its Vision should be, too. Now, you have the flexibility to customize your Vision by adding, editing, and moving sections across tabs. 

Learn more about custom Vision.

Custom Agenda

Run more than just your weekly meeting in Ninety with Custom Meeting Types. Create new meeting types that best represent team cadence, such as daily stand-ups with a custom agenda. 

Learn more about custom agendas.

Main Navigation Improvements

Enhanced navigation within Ninety’s app offers a more intuitive user experience and makes it easier to invite users and find educational resources as part of your day-to-day use. You’ll even be able to adjust your navigation theme to meet your preferences.

Learn more about our improved navigation.

Repeating To-Dos

There are certain tasks you know you’ll have to do on a regular basis. And now, we’ve made it easy to represent those tasks by introducing repeating To-Dos.

Learn more about repeating To-Dos.

Issues Voting

Issue owners typically rank the Issues they add to team meetings. But now, others can vote on those very Issues and prioritize them as a team. This allows everyone’s voice to be heard, and the team can decide together which Issues are most important to tackle today.

Learn more about Issues voting.

Upgraded My 90

The upgraded My 90 is a customizable workspace and hub for all your key items in Ninety. This workspace is where you’ll see your Team To-Dos, Personal To-Dos, Rocks, and Scorecard KPIs across all your teams. And all in one easy view.

Learn more about the new My 90 workspace.

Ninety Mastery

We believe teaching resources are the building blocks of running a great company and using Ninety. Access 90os, EOS®, and custom content in Ninety and track your team’s progress as they complete the training.

Learn more about Ninety Mastery.

Issues Dashboard

Run more effective meetings by tracking the percentage of Issues solved. Our new Issues metrics dashboard will have people ready to engage in discussions that lead to resolving more Issues in your meetings.

Learn more about the Issues Dashboard.

Mastery in Partner Hub

With the launch of our new Mastery tool in Partner Hub, Coaches can now customize Ninety Mastery cards, links, and teachings for their clients in their Partner Hub tool. Create customized educational resources that support your unique coaching practice.

Learn more about the Mastery tool.

Coaches: Connect with your Coach Advocate to learn how to create customized educational resources that support your unique coaching practice!

What's Coming Next?

We've got even more exciting new features coming in 2024! With highly requested features like our new Assessments tool, Multiple Org Charts, Google Task Integration, and our Zapier Integration in beta now, we are excited to have more coming your way very soon. 

Interested in becoming a beta tester and getting a sneak preview of all our new features? Sign up to beta test here or sign up your entire company to beta test.